Dragon Minerals - January 15, 2024 Update

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34775: Marcasite 'Poodle' - $40
Shullsburg area, Upper Mississippi Valley Mining District, Lafayette County, Wisconsin
Small cabinet - 7.7 x 5.9 x 2.3 cm
124 grams
Specimen status: Reserved
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A arch of bright metallic marcasite crystals. Do you see the poodle (or pony or camel or...)? Along with pyrite and pyrrhotite, marcasite is prone to oxidative decomposition ('pyrite disease'). This decomposition causes the specimen to split apart and emit a sulfurous odor, but this specimen has been in my inventory for several years and displays none of these symptoms, so I assume it is stable. Incomplete on the bottom of the paws and a small spot on the back (where removed from matrix) but otherwise complete all around and excellent condition. Very nice for the species/locality.

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