Dragon Minerals - January 15, 2024 Update

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35524: Kornerupine-Prismatine - $8
Waldheim, Mittelsachsen, Saxony, Germany
Type locality for prismatine
Small cabinet - 8.1 x 5.6 x 3.2 cm
190 grams
Specimen status: Reserved
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Green grey needles and lathes, abundant in matrix. The species identification is a bit confusing...what appears to be the original typewritten collection label gives the species as prismatine, but this is amended with a handwritten "kornerupine". A Topaz-Mineral Exploration (Thomas Bee) label states "kornerupine" but to this someone has attached a handwritten note "prismatine not kornerupine." Mindat lists prismatine (but not kornerupine) for this locality; indeed this is the type locality for prismatine. This specimen strongly resembles the prismatine photos hosted at Mindat. much more than the Mindat kornerupine photos. In addition, Mindat indicates that these minerals form a series, so this might not be an example of either (pure) end member species, but instead some intermediate mixture of the two. Given the uncertainty, I'll label this specimen as kornerupine-prismatine.

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