09124: Scheelite, Tourmaline and Muscovite
- $26 Mount Little Xuebaoding, Pingwu County, Mianyang, Sichuan, China Small cabinet - 6.8 x 4.6 x 2.7 cm 57 grams Fluorescent (SW) Specimen status: Reserved Send an email with specimen number to order Something a bit different from the
famous Mount Little
Xuebaoding scheelite locality! Many collectors are
familiar with scheelite octahedra and tabular aquamarines
from this locality, but about 15 years ago I obtained a
group of specimens from the locality quite rich in
tourmaline needles...and I haven't seen any more of this
type since then. This self-standing specimen is a 'wall'
of silvery gray muscovite, with a prominent course of
tourmaline needles. Under hand lens magnification some of
these needles are transparent root beer brown. Light brown
and mostly opaque but sharply crystallized scheelite
octahedra are clustered together. As is typical for the
species and locality, these scheelites glow a brilliant
blue-white under shortwave UV. Excellent condition.