Chlorargyrite/Embolite/Bromargyrite/Iodargyrite - $12 Broken Hill Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna County, New South Wales, Australia Miniature - 5.5 x 5.3 x 3.2 cm 186 grams Specimen status: Reserved Send an email with specimen number to order Moderately abundant, waxy and yellowish
crystals and crusts to a few mm on a surprisingly heavy
(silver rich?) matrix. Chlorargyrite - AgCl, bromargyrite
- AgBr, bromian chlorargyrite (embolite) - Ag(Cl,Br) and
iodargyrite - AgI are difficult to distinguishing
visually; at least but perhaps more are present on this
specimen. Nice under magnification: hand lens, microscope
or camera lens.