Dragon Minerals - May 13, 2024 Update

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42915: Microcline and Lepidolite - $14
San Diego Mine, Gem Hill, Mesa Grande Mining District, San Diego County, California
Small cabinet - 6.3 x 5.9 x 3.6 cm
136 grams
Mined by Fred Rynerson
Specimen status: Reserved
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A complete 'bone spar' microcline crystal, with a diamond-shaped cross section and decorated with a small cluster of lavender lepidolite. Termed bone spar because of its resemblance to bone marrow. Historically interesting specimen which was mined by Fred Rynerson, Southern California mining and gem cutting legend. His 1967 book Exploring and Mining Gems & Gold in the West is a must-read for all collectors interested in mining history or Southern California minerals. I obtained this specimen from his estate. Complete and undamaged all around; a 'floater'.

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