Dragon Minerals - May 13, 2024 Update

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42917: Pyrite - $12
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan
Miniature - 3.7 x 3.3 x 3.1 cm
66 grams
Specimen status: Available
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A cluster of brassy pyrite from an undisclosed location in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. A new find in 2023. Initially heavily enclosed in a coal-like matrix, I removed most of the matrix (proprietary process...) to reveal this specimen. Pyrite embedded in coal and related matrices tends to decompose, but this sample appears stable as it has no objectionable sulfurous odor. Pyrite is uncommon (or at least not commonly reported) from Pakistan; of the 9024 Pakistan mineral specimen photos available at Mindat, only nine include pyrite! Minor incomplete spots are noted but overall condition is good.

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