Dragon Minerals - June 24, 2024 Update

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37584: Conichalcite and Cuprian Adamite - $20
Gold Hill Mine, Gold Hill, Gold Hill Mining District, Tooele County, Utah
Small cabinet - 6.7 x 5.0 x 3.4 cm
88 grams
Specimen status: Available
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A vuggy limonite matrix hosts several patches of green crusty to microcrystalline material, identified on previous dealer labels (Jack Parnau and Mineralogical Research Co.) as the copper arsenate species conichalcite and cuprian adamite. To the unaided eye, the green material appears to be homogeneous but under magnification (and with a bit of study) two distinct species can be seen. This is not surprising, as conichalcite - CaCu(AsO4)(OH) and cuprian adamite - (Zn,Cu)2(AsO4)(OH) are chemically and visually similar.

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