Dragon Minerals - July 14, 2024 Update

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40754: Gypsum variety Selenite - $8
Naica, Saucillo Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico
Small cabinet - 6.4 x 6.3 x 3.2 cm
80 grams
Specimen status: Available
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The term 'selenite' should only be used for gypsum specimens which are clear and colorless, but instead the term has been overused (abused) and often used to label any gypsum specimen, even those which are opaque and colorless. This specimen, however, truly deserves the selenite moniker, as it is both colorless and (at half) water clear. The specimen is comprised of two major tabular crystals, each somewhat rounded, most likely by the same water solutions which initially deposited it. Surprisingly little edgewear for a mineral this soft (Mohs hardness 2) which also cleaves readily.

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