Dragon Minerals - August 16, 2024 Update

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00778: Gypsum variety Satin Spar - $20
County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Small cabinet - 7.2 x 4.5 x 2.3 cm
86 grams
Ex John "Lord" Calvert, John Albanese
Specimen status: Available
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An opaque, vein gypsum sample with a compact fibrous structure (variety satin spar). Although Mindat does not include gypsum in the mineral list for County Antrim, gypsum is such a ubiquitous species that the locality is not unreasonable. Ex John "Lord" Calvert; carries his handwritten label (reattached to the back with mineral tack). Calvert (1825-1897) is described at the Mineralogical Record Biographical and Label Archive as "a collector, con-man, crank, dealer, mining engineer, inventor and gold prospector." A John Albanese label is also present.

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