Dragon Minerals - August 17, 2023 Update

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35194: Fluor-buergerite, Topaz and Opal-AN - $12
Fluor-buergerite occurrence, Mexquitic de Carmona Municipality, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Miniature - 4.2 x 3.2 x 1.9 cm
29 grams
Specimen status: Available
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Lustrous, dark brown fluor-buergerite tourmaline crystals to 5 mm on rhyolite matrix. Less than half of these are complete. Also present are crude to euhedral topaz crystals reaching 2 mm, and a small patch of opal-AN which glows bright green under shortwave ultraviolet. This material was mined by a single person, who did not share the mine's precise locality. With the miners passage the locality has been lost, and (perhaps) should be considered (for the moment) to be extinct. An affordable example of material no longer common on the mineral market.

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