Dragon Minerals - August 17, 2023 Update

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41487: Hanksite and Halite - $30
Searles Lake, San Bernardino County, California
Type locality for hanksite
Small cabinet - 6.2 x 5.7 x 4.1 cm
168 grams
Specimen status: Available
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A nicely translucent gray green hanksite crystals with a hexagonal, tabular morphology. Associated with translucent to transparent halite crystals. Some evaporite minerals are unstable to hydration/dehydration, and are frequently oiled to slow decomposition. This sample appears to be both stable (it is from an old Southern California collection) and not oiled. Searles Lake is the type locality for hanksite, but with the permanent end to the Trona Mineral show (a combination of Covid and a major earthquake), minerals from this locality are now much less available as they were in the recent past. This example is in fine condition, and self standing.

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