Dragon Minerals - September 15, 2024 Update

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33743: Sampleite, Atacamite and Pseudomalachite  - $10
Endeavour 26, Northparkes Mine Project, Goonumbla, Kennedy County, New South Wales, Australia
Miniature - 4.6 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm
11 grams
Specimen status: Available
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Flakes of blue sampleite modestly abundant on matrix. Sampleite is a globally uncommon sodium calcium copper phosphate chloride - NaCaCu5(PO4)4Cl·5H2O. The associated copper minerals dark green atacamite - Cu2(OH)3Cl and botryoidal pseudomalachite - Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4 are together in one area, and were identified visually.

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