Dragon Minerals - September 15, 2024 Update

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44328: Halite and Trona - $18
Owens Lake, Olancha, Owens Valley, Inyo County, California
Small cabinet - 8.7 x 6.6 x 6.0 cm
128 grams
Specimen status: Reserved
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Pink, obviously hoppered halite resting on a crust of small brown trona crystals. Identified on a previous dealer's label as a trona pseudomorph after halite; looks to me like a partial replacement (if any replacement at all). Same previous dealer labels has a $45 price tag. Halite has a reputation of falling apart in humid environments. However pure halite (which this is not) is quite stable (both to disintegration and color change) in a dray environment. It is the trona (frequently associated with halite from this locality) which is the culprit, so this specimen should be kept in a dry environment.

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