Dragon Minerals - September 15, 2024 Update

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44329: Trona replacing Halite - $24
Owens Lake, Olancha, Owens Valley, Inyo County, California
Small cabinet - 7.0 x 6.8 x 4.4 cm
134 grams
Specimen status: Reserved
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Greenish trona with a somewhat greasy luster, in larger crystals perched on the flat base and a cap of smaller trona crystals. In places a few square or rectangular structures are seen; these are trona replacing an earlier generation of halite (a pseudomorph). Many (if not all) of the specimens from this find were labeled as 'trona replacing halite' but most were trona with nonreplaced halite; only a few were obvious pseudomorphs. Displays well on its naturally flat base. Trona readily absorbs water from the air and disintegrates so this specimen must be kept dry. Previous dealer label with a $50 price tag.

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