Dragon Minerals - October 12, 2024 Update

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33312: Beryl - $30
Dara-e-Pech pegmatite field, Dara-e-Pech District, Kunar, Afghanistan
Small cabinet - 6.8 x 3.6 x 2.4 cm
73 grams
Specimen status: Available
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Mineral crystallization is an equilibrium process. The same fluids from which a crystal is formed can also dissolve that crystal. Here we have a light green, opaque to transparent (even gemmy in parts)  beryl crystal which has been naturally corroded, leaving one full crystal face in tact. Unusual locality for an etched beryl - especially of this size; the majority of etched beryls come from Minas Gerais, Brazil. I consider crystal etching to be a specimen enhancement (it illustrates important geological and mineralogical phenomena) instead of damage; this example is in fine condition.

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