05633: Columbite-Tantalite and Albite
variety Cleavelandite - $24 Carmelita Mine, Chihuahua Valley, Warner Springs Mining District, San Diego County, California Miniature - 4.6 x 3.7 x 3.3 cm 54 grams Specimen status: Reserved Send an email with specimen number to order A 3.6 mm tabular columbite-tantalite
crystal with excellent form sits near the apex of a bladed
albite variety cleavelandite matrix. Matrix for the albite
is crystalline to massive quartz with minor muscovite. The
Mindat mineral
list for this locality does not include
columbite-tantalite but it does include stibiotantalite.
That the crystal in question here is pitch black and not
light brown is more consistent with columbite-tantalite
than with stibiotantalite (in the absence of analytical
data). Displays nicely. Excellent condition.