29525: Gypsum - $26 Flörsheim clay pit, Flörsheim am Main, Main-Taunus-Kreis, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany Small cabinet - 8.0 x 7.6 x 5.8 cm 202 grams Fluorescent (LW/SW), phosphorescent (LW) Ex Angie Cannon Specimen status: Reserved Send an email with specimen number to order A cluster of mostly translucent gypsum
blades, radiating from a central point. Rendered light
grey by unidentified inclusions. Bright blue white
fluorescence under both longwave and shortwave. The most
remarkable feature of this specimen is the very long
visible phosphorescence caused by longwave UV; this
phosphorescence is among the longest I have ever seen! A
few small bruises, but overall condition is quite good,
especially considering this mineral's softness and
propensity to bruise and cleave. Ex Angie Cannon
collection; her label accompanies the specimen.